A memorandum on cooperation between the city of Niš, the Police Administration, the Center for Social Work, the Health Center, the Public Health Institute, the National Employment Service and all relevant institutions as well as civil society organizations was signed in the City Hall in Niš.
This is an important step in preventing discrimination and violence against the LGBT population, it was said at this meeting.
"Today, under the patronage of the City of Niš, the Memorandum of cooperation on the prevention and protection of LGBT persons was signed in Nis. A memorandum was signed by the Public Prosecutor's Office, the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office, the Centre for Social Work, Police Administration and so on. The participants have signed this memorandum and their signature made it official. As a city representative, I can say that what was signed is a European standard and the standards of a civilized society, and the Serbian society strives to meet these highest standards. It is a great pleasure for us to take this big step. The memorandum does not bind, we did it because it is fair and just." said Assistant Mayor Nebojša Ranđelović.
Police Administration said that a Memorandum on the prevention of piscrimination against LGBT population was signed and that all persons, as stated, have full support and protection of the Police Administration in Niš.
The research of the Centre for Social Work has shown that there are certain marginalized groups who need help and support.
"Eighty percent of respondents never dared to report violence or discrimination to institutions, out of fear they would not be adequately treated and would be exposed to new discrimination. Young LGBT people have been trying or thinking about suicide because of lack of family support. We need to help get these prejudices out, "said Aleksandra Tarlać from the Centre for Social Work.
The biggest problems are those that should be solved by the institutions in the local network, namely providing security, breaking up prejudices, constant education, especially with young people, with children, and then with professionals working in all these institutions, starting with branches of local government, social work centres, police, prosecutors and others, "said Lidija Đorđević from Labris.
From this organization they say that signing this is the first step towards coordinated cooperation of all institutions in the city. Provide active work through meetings, forums, education, network of support and organization of local action.
Source: http://jugpress.com/potpisan-memorandum-o-prevenciji-zastiti-lgbt-osoba/